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Guest Blogging

Definition: What is guest blogging?

Guest blogging consists, for the webmaster of a blog, of receiving external articles that feed his website with content. These external articles, called guest posts, are written by another webmaster who, in exchange, receives one or more links to his site in this article.

Concretely, this guest blogging is a  web marketing technique that consists of writing an article that will be published on a site that does not belong to you. Generally, the host site is thematically close to your site in order to maintain a certain consistency and discretion in the eyes of Google.

Gestion des backlinks reçus par un site

Interest of guest blogging in SEO

For you

First of all, practising guest blogging is good for you and your digital marketing strategy. Indeed, publishing an article on an external site allows you to reach a different audience than the usual one, and therefore to attract new visitors to your website. This allows you to increase your visibility, especially if you succeed in perpetuating this new audience

Also, guest blogging is beneficial for your  SEO. Indeed, it allows you to obtain backlinks on quality external sites, and therefore to increase your credibility in the eyes of Google. You will see your website go up in the search results, which will increase its visibility.

For your host

It is also interesting to welcome guest posts on its website. Indeed, this allows you to feed your blog with content, and this is for free. In addition, if the guest articles are of good quality, and the exchange is with sites with good SEO metrics, then the host will gain credibility in the eyes of Internet users and Google, and will thus benefit from the popularity of the site. guest.

How guest blogging works

Find potential partners

The first step is to find partners with whom you would like to work and to register them in excel in order to have an overview. Here are different techniques for finding your list of potential partners:

  • Perform a Google search: Enter in your search bar the keywords on which your site is positioned in order to find sites with themes similar to yours
  • Use social networks: Social networks accumulate many users, and thus represent a real gold mine for finding partners. Research people your competitors follow, and popular influencers in your industry.
  • Analyze the backlinks of your competitors: By analyzing the backlinks of your competitors, you can build a list of interesting blogs on which to post articles.

Once the list of your potential partners has been compiled using these different sources, all you have to do is rank them in order of importance. Prioritize blogs offering quality content, because spammy-type sites will tend to penalize your natural referencing.

In addition, compare the audience of the different sites in order to target in priority those with the most audience, and the best positioned in the SERP. Also, check which sites offer dofollow links to sort and remove those on which your link will be nofollow.

Pitch your article

Once your potential partners have been selected and ranked in order of priority, all you have to do is contact them. To do this, send them an email in which you pitch your article and your site. Here are some tips for your email to be noticed among the dozens of others received by these sites:

  • Find a catchy subject: The subject of your email must be catchy to hold the attention of your potential partner. Thus, avoid using a generic catchphrase, such as “partnership request”, which will drown among many emails with the same subject.
  • Establish a link with your interlocutor: Address the person you are contacting by their first name, in order to establish a link with the latter.
    Keep it short and to the point: Go straight to the point. Your interlocutor will not bother to read a long email. It is therefore important to be clear and concise about why you are contacting this person.
  • Be convincing: You need to distinguish yourself from others by highlighting the qualities of your website, and by proving that you are an expert in your field. Directly propose a few topics for articles.

Once the first contact has been established, make sure you agree with your future partner regarding the conditions of the exchange: dofollow link, quality and length of the article requested, etc.

Write content

All you have to do then is start writing your article. Be sure to write quality content, of the requested length, to ensure its publication. In addition, if your interlocutor is satisfied with your article, this will allow you to perpetuate your partnership.

Here are some tips for writing a quality article:

  • Find an interesting and innovative topic: Try to find a topic that you are comfortable with and can write a good article about, but that hasn’t already been covered many times.
  • Structure your content: Use h2 and h3 tags to structure your content and optimize readability.
  • Illustrate your content: Select royalty-free images to illustrate your point. Don’t forget to fill in their alt attribute.
  • Optimize your link anchors: Choose strategic link anchors to position your links there.

Tips for optimizing your guest blogging strategy

Diversify content types

When you hear the word guest blogging, you immediately think of publishing an article. However, there are other types of content that can be involved in the guest blogging. For example, you can very well publish a  video or even an infographic on a partner site. Varying the type of content allows you to keep your guest blogging strategy hidden from Google.

Post regularly

By only posting occasionally, your guest blogging strategy will not appear natural to Google. On the contrary, by regularizing your publications,  you will retain your audience, and gain credibility in the eyes of Google. This will improve your natural referencing.

Optimize your calls-to-action

The purpose of guest blogging is to attract new readers to your page. Thus, make sure to make users want to click, for example by using action verbs.

Also, make sure that your call-to-action leads to a page consistent with the chosen anchor. You cannot, for example, use the “request a quote” anchor to send to a page offering to subscribe to the newsletter.

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